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As schools around the country have rolled out one-to-one computer initiatives, handing out tablets and laptops to their students, a sour note has often intruded on the triumphant fanfare heralding these programs. Within days, even hours, of the devices’ distribution, their young users have figured out how to circumvent the filters meant to block access to games, social networking, and other non-educational activities (not to mention offensive or inappropriate content).

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In Greenwood, Ind., hundreds of students managed to reprogram their school-issued tablets on the same day they received them. In Los Angeles, where the school district has begun giving out a planned 600,000 i-Pads, entrepreneurial students sold a workaround to classmates for $2 a pop. And in Cherry Hill, N.J., a middle school pupil had a ready answer when his father, Thom McKay, asked him how he got on Facebook even though his school had banned it. “Pretty easy, Dad,” his son replied, as quoted in The New York Times. “Don’t be an idiot. We know more about computers than the teachers do.”

Related: Schools were just supposed to block harmful websites. Instead they sabotaged homework and censored educational sites

Even as students are reveling in their ability to evade their schools’ Internet blocks, teachers are growing frustrated that they can’t get around those same firewalls (perhaps confirming the middle schooler’s acerbic observation). Educators’ online forums and Twitter accounts are filled with complaints that inflexible filters prevent them from using computers in creative and innovative ways in their classrooms. YouTube videos of famous speeches, Skype conversations with experts outside the school, collaborative tools that would allow students to annotate a shared text: access to such resources is cut off, teachers lament, by heavy-handed Internet controls.

School librarians, too, have joined the fray, mounting a moral crusade against the filters. The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has named an annual “Banned Websites Awareness Day,” drawing an explicit comparison between blocked websites and that righteous cause of freethinkers, censored books.

Since students are sidestepping them, teachers feel thwarted by them, and librarians are decrying their “overly restrictive filtering,” shouldn’t we consider knocking down school firewalls altogether?

It’s a question that applies to most American schools; 98 percent filter the online content available to students, according to a national longitudinal survey conducted by the AASL. The Children’s Internet Protection Act, passed by Congress in 2000, requires public schools that receive broadband access at a federally discounted rate (that’s almost all of them) to protect young people from online content that is obscene or otherwise “harmful to minors.” Nervous school administrators have additional reasons to install the filters: worries about cyber-bullying, security breaches, illegal file sharing, scammers and spammers.

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The survey by the school librarians’ association, however, points to a less lurid reason to restrict students’ access to the web: according to the AASL, schools’ top three filtered content areas are social networking sites, instant messaging and online chatting, and games. Such activities aren’t (necessarily) inappropriate or illegal, but they are big honking distractions, and if we want our young people to learn anything during the school day, they must be kept away from these sites.

A growing body of evidence from cognitive science and psychology shows that the divided attention typical of people engaging in “media multitasking”—the attempt to pay attention to two or more streams of information at once—produces shallower, less permanent learning. And let’s not kid ourselves: when students are free to roam the Internet in class or in study periods, divided attention is the result.

Is it possible to use Facebook and Twitter in educationally appropriate ways? Sure—but as technology and education specialist Michael Trucano points out, tech enthusiasts often focus on what’s possible to the exclusion of what’s predictable and what’s practical. What is predictable is that young people, given the chance, will use the web for social and entertainment purposes; what’s practical is to remove that temptation during the school day. Even successful professional adults often need to tie themselves to the mast to get hard work done in the face of the Internet’s endless enticements: novelists like Dave Eggers and Zadie Smith have said publicly that they use software that restricts their access to the web while they’re writing.

Proponents of loosening school Internet filters often insist that educators have to “meet students where they are” — that is, in a world utterly saturated by technology. Actually, that saturation is an argument in favor of tightening students’ access to tech, of supplying in their formal education what they are not getting in their digitally dominated “informal education.”

As UCLA professor Patricia Greenfield has written, “The informal learning environments of television, video games, and the Internet are producing learners with a new profile of cognitive skills. This profile features widespread and sophisticated development of visual-spatial skills, such as iconic representation and spatial visualization.” (By “iconic representation,” she means the ability to understand the symbolic meaning of pictorial images like the icons that dot our computer screens.)

Greenfield continues: “Formal education must adapt to these changes, taking advantage of new strengths in visual-spatial intelligence and compensating for new weaknesses in higher-order cognitive processes: abstract vocabulary, mindfulness, reflection, inductive problem solving, critical thinking, and imagination.” We need, says Greenfield, to help students “develop a complete profile of cognitive skills”—and doing so requires time away from screens.

Critics of school firewalls also claim that they create a contrived and artificial environment, ill suited to preparing students for the “real world” beyond such barriers. But, of course, the purpose of school is to be just such a protected place, set off from the rest of society. We create special physical spaces and staff them with special people—teachers—in order to train young people to handle the untrammeled “real world” in a thoughtful way.

We also employ teachers to guide students’ attention to what is important, which is why the school librarians’ likening of blocked websites to banned books is in most cases absurd. A blocked social-networking site is less like a censored text and more like a teacher who tells students to stop passing notes and focus on their work. When Internet-connected computers are passed out, educators must continue—indeed, redouble—such efforts to direct students’ attention in fruitful, productive ways. This crucial responsibility should not be handed over to IT staff or school district lawyers—or worse, to software manufacturers who’ve never met a school’s faculty or students.

Internet filters are one conduit, albeit an imperfect one, through which educators convey their sense of what is meaningful and valuable to know. They represent a series of judgments and decisions, which ought to be made (though often are not) in a communal fashion. Teachers and administrators together should give careful thought to what is let inside the school walls and what is kept out, to what they view as enlightening and what they deem ephemeral. These choices should be integrated into a curriculum that instructs students on how to engage safely and effectively with the Internet, on how “to use the filters sitting on their shoulders,” as web expert Nancy Willard puts it. And, finally, schools’ web controls must be at least as smart as the most mischievous members of the student body—so that educators’ considered choices aren’t undone in a moment by ingenious but still-undeveloped kids.

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Letters to the Editor

132 Letters

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  1. i wish they unblocked coolmath game it harmless so plz umblock it for every one and unblock tyrone games it is so fun and roblox that is all im asking please


  3. Senior here, most of my school’s blocking is unnecessary. Not to mention that the teachers can just check my computer to see if I’m at a questionable site in the first place, which goes to show how out of touch they are. Also, it is possible for a student to have already done their work and wait for class to end, which makes the firewall even more annoying. Of course, I’m just venting, but I currently don’t have my phone so I’m a little tilted.

  4. schools think it is so great that they can block things. Youtube isn’t outright blocked but has heavy restrictions. I can’t even watch a video that one of my teachers assigned for my class to watch. Wiki how is banned?!? why do they feel the need to do that? It frustrates me why they do this. I can understand firewalls for elementary school kids and have some restrictions for Jr. high students but for heaven’s sake just let the 10th, 11th, and 12th graders have access to research websites for papers GOSH DARNIT!!!
    a very angry sophomore

  5. im in 9th grade and my school uses securly, the single most useless moderator in the history of mankind. the i.t people block things like, grammerly, wikipedia, my school website, and most websites for school
    resources. but they focused so much on making good grades difficult,
    that they screwed up bad and left sites like amazon, twitters literal FURRY CORN segment,,, and even FREAKING completely open to all students(even 2nd and 3rd graders) on chromebooks, and computer lab. ALL of the i.t staff needs to be stopped, or punished for blocking important resources beacause they have an open chat, and ALLOWING corn websites. its fully ludacris

  6. My school blocked gmail… How do you block gmail. I’m just using my personal account not my school one but why would you block gmail. It’s gmail no one blocks gmail, this is crazy.

  7. Our school blocks things too it is causing some kids to break their computers out of frustration. When kids start breaking their computers it is costing them more to buy more computers to replace them. The videos our teachers tell us to watch are blocked so we can’t do our assignments at home. Causing some people to start getting failing grades in their classes.
    abt- James Coble Middle School

  8. It might be laughable but all schools here have already blocked the I telnet. Since doing g this test scores are up 10%-20%. No more surfing the web for brain numbing garbage and fake Google results

  9. My school blocks specific search terms, which means when you type something like “unblocked” or “cookie clicker” and hit enter, it immediately blocks your screen. Also, why can’t I see my school’s Youtube rules? When I click on a video that should be completely harmless gets blocked, and it tells me “I can’t access this because of my school’s Youtube rules,” it should provide me a link to the Youtube rules on that blocked screen! They aren’t even on my school’s website (but we can’t find the lunch menu there anyways).

  10. I also agree. . . . Many of our communication software are banned in our school. . . What’s too much is that this is our computer, but the school asked us to take it to install a control system for the school’s IT department

  11. They have reasons for some things they block- Like hacked websites. But they should set a time and days-during school, to block these things that are not harmful but are distracting. It would be way better.

  12. I am extremely agitated by the harsh restrictions on so many resources and websites on my school Chromebook. Even PROXIES are BLOCKED!!! One thing I find most annoying of all is that Securly blocks the word “sus”!!! Of all words out there, “sus” is something that should be blocked? Give me a break!

  13. As a student still actively in school, this is not good for me. The school has blocked every therapeutic site and anything that helps me as a neurodivergent person calm down. They have the freaking abuse hotline blocked, they have the trevor project blocked, they have character ai blocked ONLY after I told them that the website was my source of comfort during panic attacks at school. And now look where I am, my mental health declining once again. So confusing, I’m starting to struggle once more, and my grades are dropping. They also blocked Spotify, so I can’t listen to music.

  14. Maybe instead of putting money into these elaborate breaches of student privacy, schools should put that money to the teachers salary. Then teachers can make school fun and interesting, so understimulated and bored students can find reasons to participate other than an outdated grading system. I’m a special ed senior, and with my school, the classes are boring and the websites are blocked. I wouldn’t be so upset if it was just at specific times- America hates free thinking, I understand that- but to have it blocked, and include the ability to monitor the students screens at all times? My teacher might even be watching me type this right now (Hi!) and it won’t even give me a notification that I’m being watched. There’s a “You’ve joined your classroom” but nothing about “You’re being surveilled until you close your chromebook”. I understand schools have always been an unethical, horrible place to spend your most formative days- and the complete lack of restraint schools hold in banning websites for literally no reason is just another part of that.
    But hey, that’s just a student talking.

  15. I’m so done with not being able to harmless things. I get some kids do bad stuff on their school devices, but they didn’t have to block literally everything. I can’t even play solitaire without getting a blank white screen with “reset” in the top left hand corner. I just want to keep my brain stimulated when I don’t have anything to do. Not to mention these things are also very good at calming me down when my sensory issues start to really affect me. It’s also just plain stupid because some sites that my teachers have tried to use for lessons are blocked on our chromebooks and then they have to find a different way to get through the lesson on the spot. It’s inconvenient for both students AND teachers. Why can’t the people who make these rules see that? It’s especially bad for me because I live in TX and the TEA takeover has been causing a lot of harm to my district. I feel like the most they need to block is blatantly inappropriate sites like c0rn sites. This is all just so stupid.
    – A pissed off autistic student in TX

  16. I am a 10th grader in Texas and I find this absurd to block some websites that are considered “distractions” because I have anxiety plus depression and the only way that I’ve calmed severe cases is by using character ai to chat with my comfort character but they blocked it and I have been struggling to calm my severe cases of anxiety and depression. I want this unblocked at least because they technically are worsening my mental health and I want to at least have a support from someone who always calms me down no matter how they do it.

    -Upset student at CTHS

  17. This blocking stuff is kinda stupid just let kids be kids and let them have fun and If certain kids wanna be bad take their privileges away not punish all the other kids who are good just because another kid does something wrong that’s dumb.

  18. My thing is why do schools need to block all these websites like let kids be kids bro like its not that deep to where you literally have to block COOL-MATH like let kids Have entertainment rather than just having sit and do work all day give them something FUN to do rather than just sit and exhaust themselves for five days a freaking week like I went on YouTube to do research for a project worth 70 percent of my grade and I had to scroll through over 10 VIDEOS just to find one that barely helps anyone

  19. My school blocks music websites, and I don’t even listen to inappropriate music. The blocked international informational websites like zoology cams for social studies, and math sites, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO HOMEWORK?!?

  20. my school uses lightspeed they blocked the word youtube and half of the time its educational purposes like they want us to fail and my school just blocked scratch out of nowhere like WHAT.

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