Comments on: Sent home early: Lost learning in special education Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Wed, 09 Feb 2022 18:49:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Virginia E Antinovitch Fri, 09 Apr 2021 04:00:06 +0000 I am a special education teacher and I believe that all students should get the education that they are entitled to receive. But, at what point are parents going to be held responsible for their 5 year old child’s poor behavior? Getting an IEP is not a get out of jail free card for bad behavior. The school in this case should have done things differently prior to the child’s classification, but what did the parents do prior to sending their child to kindergarten? The behaviors didn’t suddenly appear the day she started kindergarten. Had they seen a doctor, a psychologist, a behavioral therapist? Did they alert the school, before enrolling their daughter, that there were behavioral issues? My son was very hyperactive and bright and he had difficulty focusing and controlling himself in preschool. When he turned 5, I had him evaluated for ADHD at the behavioral intervention center at our local Children’s Hospital. I gave the school the reports when I signed him up for kindergarten and had his preschool teacher communicate effective behavior interventions that she had used. I put my son on meds prior to the start of kindergarten and stayed in close contact with his kindergarten teacher. I never asked the school district to do anything for my son until the end of kindergarten when his teacher suggested we put together a 504 plan for the future.

By: Lauren Tue, 30 Mar 2021 19:27:45 +0000 While I sympathize with the parents and children, one child who is acting out in the classroom, disrupts every other child from learning. When my son was in elementary school, there were many times the teacher had to constantly stop and deal with one child’s misbehavior. There needs to be a better solution that to have all the other kids lose out on instructional time, solely because one child has emotional/behavioral issues.

By: Yusmany Marrero Sun, 28 Mar 2021 04:48:43 +0000 My name is Yusmany Marrero. My son Jake is in the Allegan country school district. He has a condition called Congenital Central Hyperventilation Syndrome. He comes home early by a halve hour every day. The school district fails to provide the training and staff to keep him safe on the school bus so they send him on a bus that picks up kids from a special Ed school near by that get out earlier than my son’s school. The problem I have is I have to choose between academics or special classes to help him with speech and OT because of this. So he doesn’t receive special classes because if he falls behind in academics he is label unable to learn instead of seen that the school fails to meet his needs and for that reason I have to make tough decisions.
