Comments on: OPINION: I teach Renaissance literature at Columbia, but this week’s lessons are about political protests and administrative decisions Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Fri, 03 May 2024 15:27:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Glenn Mar Fri, 03 May 2024 15:27:40 +0000 I did not know about the protest before this, but I assumed that something called “Gaza Solidary Encampment” was not going to be objectively nuanced or fair. I expected the point of the article was going to be how you treat peaceful student protest groups regardless of what they say.

The more inflammatory the content, the bigger the test of how much we believe in free speech in the country, irrespective of who does the enforcing. Going into what the protesters said would only focus people on what they think of that content.

By: Bob Jonsen Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:40:00 +0000 This essay is the Poster Child for why parents shouldn’t send their children to Columbia. Not one word about the hate-filled speech to which Jewish students have been subjected. Not one word about the student leader who spoke to the encampment and has said that all Zionists should be killed. Not one word about the rights and movement that the encampment has taken away from all students. Not one word about the students holding signs at Columbia that Hamas should kill their fellow Jewish students. Not one word about the slaughter of 10.7. I can only assume that Crawford sympathizes with Hamas and doesn’t believe that Israel has a right to defend itself or even exist
