Comments on: Kids are failing algebra. The solution? Slow down. Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Mon, 09 Oct 2023 01:27:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Will Day Mon, 09 Oct 2023 01:27:51 +0000 The majority of stem majors will just be wage slaves to Silicon Valley.

By: Ray Holt Wed, 14 Jul 2021 18:27:49 +0000 I have been teaching math and STEM a long time and the main big problem continues to be 4th-6th grade math. Students are NOT learning fractions, %’s, and ratio’s. My experience is that all 7th-12th students are 2-3 years behind in math. When they hit Algebra its a disaster. The problems: 1) teachers don’t know math, 2) students are not being ‘exit tested’ for math, 3) students are being pushed on no matter what their math scores are. This applies to reading also. I teach all over the State of Mississippi and this is true everywhere. I can ask some basic questions to see how a student is in math, 1) can they do simple problems in their head without their fingers, 2) can they read a tape measurement. That’s it!!!

By: elizabeth kerr Tue, 13 Jul 2021 18:40:29 +0000 Don’t ignore those high school students who have not mastered basic arithmetic. They find algebra horridly frustrating and embarrassing; and so, they quit trying. Some of them have quit trying to do math long before they get out of elementary school. We need to do something to help them and encourage them, preferably long before they get to high school, or the lack of arithmetic will kill any hope they have of learning algebra and any hope they have of getting one of those jobs we tell them are worthwhile and honorable. Each one is different and the reasons behind the failures and difficulties are different; so, one solution will not do for all or even many. It is be hard, expensive, and time-consuming, but they are worth it. Let’s not give up on them.
